International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A (2017)

Introduction of homeopathy and homeopathic medicines: A review


Tayyeba Rehman and Saeed Ahmad

Homeopathy is a popular traditional alternative system of medicine. There is no review in literature reporting the basics of homeopathy, so this narrative review was written to provide a rapid overview regarding homeopath and homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from different sources i. e. plants, animals, minerals, nosodes, sarcodes, imponderabilia and synthetic medicines. Homeopathic medicines can be prepared under different scales of potentization i.e. decimal, centesimal and 50 millesimal. Homeopathic medicines are proved on healthy subjects to obtain a remedy picture. Homeopathic medicines are administered in minimum doses to sick person on basis of similarity to bring cure. Various researches were carried out to prove homeopathic medicines by following its unique philosophy. However, further researches are required to prove Homeopathy in front of scientific community.

Pages: 21-25  |  20217 Views  18524 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Tayyeba Rehman and Saeed Ahmad. Introduction of homeopathy and homeopathic medicines: A review. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2017;1(1):21-25. DOI: