International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part A (2020)
Chronic sebaceous cyst resolved homoeopathically
Dr. Bhaskar Sarkar, Dr. Maurya Manjurani Sheopal, and Dr. Partha Pratim Pal
Sebaceous cyst is a benign encapsulated sub epidermal nodule filled with keratin material, caused by retention or occlusion of one or more ducts and the most effective treatment involves complete surgical excision of cyst in modern method. A male patient named RA, aged 87 years old came with a slight painful swelling measuring (5x5x4) cm. on his left side shoulder since 15 years. He went first for conventional therapies and they suggested for surgical excision of the cystic growth. But patient preferred not to go any operation at this age and he came to visit here in OPD of Swasthya Rakshan Programme camp for homoeopathic treatment. On examination it was found non-fluctuant, non-compressible mass with a central dark comedone opening or punctum. After thorough case-taking followed by repertorisation Calcarea sulph-30 [CS-30], six doses along with 1drachm of placebo was prescribed and advised to report after a week. In next visit the cystic swelling becomes pustular, reddish, tensed and the inner contents were slowly discharging. Another repetition of CS-30 was done along with Echinacea mother tincture for dressing purpose of the wound. No further medication was needed on the subsequent 2 weeks of visit and the wound healed gradually. Documentation was done in the form of photographs of affected area of the patient in same angle and similar light exposure in every follow up.
Pages: 11-13 | 4478 Views 3414 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Bhaskar Sarkar, Dr. Maurya Manjurani Sheopal, and Dr. Partha Pratim Pal. Chronic sebaceous cyst resolved homoeopathically. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2020;4(3):11-13. DOI: