International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part D (2021)
Psora theory of Hahnemann is scientifically immunological sensitization or psycho - pathological somatization or both?: The scientific study with case analysis
Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Moharana
Master Hahnemann’s Psora theory has been tested and has undergone the acceptance in obstinate cases where suppression of skin diseases found and has giving remarkable success. The criticism (antithesis) in case of failure in scabies and scabies with superadded fungal or bacterial infection amongst the practicing homoeopaths. Dr. Burnette, Dr. Dugeon did not accepted that scabies can be cured by internal medication of Sulphur alone experienced through their practice. Dr. Clarke opined that ‘all the diseases cannot be categorized into three broad categories only. We need further classification like Burnette’s vaccinosis’. Hebbert A. Roberts called nutritional deficiency and functional disorders as Psora.
As Truth is the daughter of time, not of any authority (Lord Bacon), so also psora theory undergoes the scientific processing to verify its validity. In this article, by the help of pathology and psychopathology psora theory is analyzed and interpreted. The pathogenesis of allergic and autoimmune disease giving rise to psoric manifestation is illustrated in figure 1 & 2. The justification of using scabicidal natural or artificial lotion or soap application in scabies along with internal medication as stated by Dr. Dugeon and Dr. Burnette is proven with scientific reasoning.
Lastly practical utility of Psora theory for prescription with case studies as per scientific approach is thoroughly elaborated. Prevention of skin diseases by hygiene maintenances and protections from psoric manifestation by simultaneous internal intake of antipsoric medicine as per totality and cleanliness of skin diseases and in case of scabies additional external scabicidal application and/or cleanliness with scabicidal soap are vividly illustrated.
Pages: 250-259 | 2343 Views 1483 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sudhansu Sekhar Moharana. Psora theory of Hahnemann is scientifically immunological sensitization or psycho - pathological somatization or both?: The scientific study with case analysis. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2021;5(2):250-259. DOI: