International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part C (2021)

Understanding temperament-through a retrospective study of randomly selected chronic case


Dr. Arpita Chatterjee, Dr. KB Shah, Dr. Nidhi Joshi, Dr. Radha Lathiya and Dr. BP Panda

Background: Temperament is an inherent, constitutional predisposition to react to stimuli in a certain way. The word temperament according to oxford dictionary comes from the Latin word temperamentum meaning ‘correct mixture’ or temperare ‘mingle’. In earlier times the word was synonymous with the noun temper.
Objectives: To study the different temperaments from case study of chronic diseases. To understand the correlation between the temperaments of homeopathic remedies to that of the patient’s temperamental tendencies & its clinical utility for remedy selection.
Methods: This Retrospective analytical study includes total 30 cured cases of chronic disease that were randomly selected & were retrospectively studied for understanding different temperament. A thorough study of entire cases regarding the mental and physical generals was done. In all the individual cases the temperament of the medicine given to the temperament of the individual were studied separately. Secondly the potency selected for the cases were evaluated with the temperamental co-relation in order to study its significance in bringing cure.
Results: Co-relation between the temperaments of remedy selected to the temperament found to be dominant in the case. The disappearance of presenting complains with the medicines whose temperament is similar to that of the patient’s and without relapse for at least 6 months of study.
Conclusion: From our study we would like to conclude that the homoeopathic concept of temperament embraces the holistic concept of homoeopathic philosophy. It includes an understanding of the mental disposition, intellect, emotional affinity, memory, disease phenomenon and individual expression of the disease.

Pages: 147-157  |  2209 Views  1368 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Dr. Arpita Chatterjee, Dr. KB Shah, Dr. Nidhi Joshi, Dr. Radha Lathiya and Dr. BP Panda. Understanding temperament-through a retrospective study of randomly selected chronic case. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2021;5(3):147-157. DOI: