International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part C (2021)
A homeopathic approach on interpreting basic emotions with the aid of repertories
Dr. J Lordson Jebarathinam and Dr. P Bhuvanesh
Today’s world is full of worries concerned with daily work, personal affairs, and business. All this affects the mental state of the person causing different diseases. As Dr. Kent and Dr. Hahnemann said ‘get mentals first, you get similimum easily and near one’.
It is universally acknowledged that the mind has a tremendous influence on the body. The reflections of the mind from both angles positively and negatively affect the physic. In this modern life, we cannot take a breath without stress. There is requirement to remain in a balanced condition of the mind. Emotion being a component of human behavior and they play an important role in Homoeopathy. A skillful artist is nothing but without good tools in his hands, so the same thing will happen to the homoeopath. A homoeopath will not be effective unless and until his best tool is reliable and that tool is repertory.
Pages: 177-182 | 3010 Views 2243 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. J Lordson Jebarathinam and Dr. P Bhuvanesh. A homeopathic approach on interpreting basic emotions with the aid of repertories. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2021;5(3):177-182. DOI: