International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 5, Issue 3, Part E (2021)
Subacute appendicitis treated with individual homoeopathic medicine: A case study
Dr. Vimal S Rachchh, Dr. Sunil R Thumar, Dr. Indra Gaurav Saxena and Dr. Priyanka Singh
Acute appendicitis is most common acute surgical interventional condition of abdomen which occurs mostly in 2nd and 3rd decade of life. Routine dilatory habit, life style, socio-economic status, familial susceptibility and other factors may etiological indication of appendicitis. In this condition mucosal inflammation and lymphatic hyperplasia combinedly cause partial inflammation of peritoneum. Sometime perforation and ulceration, lodge fecal material in cavity or extravasation take place in cavity which clearly indicates sever and serious condition occurs. In such condition if immediately not treated than it may progress to septic perforation. In initially indicated symptoms are nausea, vomiting, right iliac fossa (RIF) / right upper quadrate region pain and tenderness which diffuse whole abdomen. Rarely fatal condition can develop. Here presenting a case of Mr. Xx, age 29 yrs. old Male having diagnose case of subacute appendicitis. According to Hahnemann aphorism no. 99 “On the whole, detailed to him†[1, 3, 4].
Pages: 306-309 | 1642 Views 827 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vimal S Rachchh, Dr. Sunil R Thumar, Dr. Indra Gaurav Saxena and Dr. Priyanka Singh. Subacute appendicitis treated with individual homoeopathic medicine: A case study. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2021;5(3):306-309. DOI: