International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 5, Issue 4, Part A (2021)
A study of allergic rhinitis and its homoeopathic management
Dr. A Saravanan and Dr. AT Senthilkumar
Allergic Rhinitis is one of the most common disease causing much debility and loss of efficiency of an individual. Allergic rhinitis can occur continuously or intermittently throughout the year by an allergen to which the individual is more or less always exposed, characterized by sudden attack of sneezing, swelling of nasal mucosa, profuse watery discharge, itching of eyes and lachrymation. This study is to know the effectiveness of Homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis.
Pages: 09-12 | 2339 Views 1233 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. A Saravanan and Dr. AT Senthilkumar. A study of allergic rhinitis and its homoeopathic management. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2021;5(4):09-12. DOI: