Why do people choose homoeopathy? A cross sectional study
Author(s): Dr. Sharon Arthur
Abstract: As Medical Pluralism is booming in the health care sector, lot of treatment options have been made accessible. Government of India is promoting AYUSH system so that people can avail a variety of treatment modalities. The objective of the study is to know the reason why patients are preferring homoeopathy. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among patients attending the out-patient department of the Government homeopathic hospital in Hyderabad, India. A self-administered questionnaire consisting of 8 questions in local vernacular Telugu, English and Hindi was administered to the patients. Results: A total of 1000 patients' responses were included in the current analysis. 21.4 % patient chose homoeopathy because they were advised by friends and relatives.20.5% chose homoeopathy fearing the side effects from allopathic system of medicines.16.5% chose because they thought that homoeopathic physician is giving good quality time to them.15% always choose homoeopathy over allopathy in all kinds of treatment. The least number of patients (1.5%) came to homoeopathic opd by seeing internet/television.