Mining of unmapped remedies for allergic rhinitis within homoeopathy
Author(s): Dr. Cristena Sara Chacko and Dr. R Richard Franklin
Abstract: Homeopathy treatment is well known for the holistic approach in treating all the patients. There are conditions stated in Organon of medicine by Dr Samuel Hahnemann about certain peculiarities and chronic disease due to the acute miasms which were mentioned in the aphorism 117 and 73 correspondingly. Allergic rhinitis is one of the utmost commonly met condition in which the change of weather in harvest season for which we must understand it quickly and prescribe to the patient for their relief. Its exhaustive bothersome condition which has a major impact in the day to day life of the person. Homoeopathic medicines have a great role in dropping the frequency and the intensity of the acute episodes of the allergic rhinitis accomplished by acute prescription, well along with a holistic and individualized approach must be chosen. Repertory also helps us in individuating and choosing the exact medicine.
Dr. Cristena Sara Chacko, Dr. R Richard Franklin. Mining of unmapped remedies for allergic rhinitis within homoeopathy. Int J Hom Sci 2022;6(3):223-226. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2022.v6.i3d.624