Homoeopathy in tinea corporis (Body Ringworm): A case study
Author(s): Dr. Sujit Pal and Dr. Saylee Gadekar
Tinea infection is also known as Ringworm infection or dermatophytosis. This infection is caused by dermatophytes. The common site affected is skin, nails and hair. The tinea infection is classified into different types according to their site of affection. The factors responsible for occurrence of this condition commonly are bad hygienic conditions, improper clothing, and sharing objects with infected people. Treatment only includes use of antifungals and sometimes topical steroids if not managed by antifungals. So, there needs to be a treatment which is mild, gentle and permanent and hence in this article, I would like to observe the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in the cases of Tinea Corporis.
Dr. Sujit Pal, Dr. Saylee Gadekar. Homoeopathy in tinea corporis (Body Ringworm): A case study. Int J Hom Sci 2022;6(4):05-08. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2022.v6.i4a.631