Utility of homoeopathic medicine in allergic rhinitis
Author(s): Dr. Vani Oza
Abstract: Allergic rhinitis is a frequent attack of rhinitis after exposure to allergens. It is 6 most common disease in the world. More than 40% of people affected with this disease in society according to survey. It is due to hypersensitivity response towards allergens. Person having allergic rhinitis becomes hypersensitive to substance by which the normal person cannot generate any response. It is due to individual tendency to react more to that particular allergen. Homoeopathy is based on the principal of “similia similibus curentur†according to this law the medicine must given to the patient who produces similar symptoms during proving. So homoeopathy Materia Medica has many medicine which produces allergic rhinitis like symptoms so we can think of Homoeopathic Medicine in cases of allergic rhinitis for betterment of patient.