International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part E (2024)
S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1 |
Urolithiasis individuilised homoeopathic treatment: An evidence based case report
Dr. B Lokeswari and Dr. G Lakshmi Narasaiah
Pages: 313-318
392 Views 218 Downloads
Country: India
2 |
An experimental study to ascertain the effectiveness of Pulsatilla Nigricans in cases of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Hetvi Gunchala
Pages: 319-323
506 Views 283 Downloads
Country: India
3 |
Homoeopathic approach and management of chronic diarrhoea in diabetes mellitus: A case report
Dr. PV Sai Santosh Kiran, Dr. Kapavarapu Venkatesh, Dr. M Sowjanya Kumari, Dr. K Sravya and Dr. B Bhavana
Pages: 324-327
549 Views 337 Downloads
Country: India
4 |
Exploring ashoka tree (Saraca asoca), its botanical features, therapeutic uses, and homoeopathic applications
Indra Gaurav Saxena, Komal Srivastava, Deeksha Sailakwal and Rakesh Kumar Meena
Pages: 328-330
506 Views 232 Downloads
Country: India
5 |
Expanding horizons: Boenninghausen Seven circumstances in the study of homoeopathic materia medica
Pingali Ananda Kumar, G Lakshmi Narasaiah, K Ramalakshmi Devi and Gorantla Chandra Sekhara Rao
Pages: 331-336
870 Views 297 Downloads
Country: India
6 |
Atopic hand eczema/dermatitis treated and cured with Homoeopathic constitutional remedy: A case report
Dr. Sridevi and Dr. Sunitha K
Pages: 337-340
366 Views 149 Downloads
Country: India
7 |
Individualized homoeopathic treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia: A holistic approach to prostate health: A case report
Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Yadav, Dr. Richa Yadav, Dr. Aswini Kumar Das, Dr. Deepak Saini and Dr. Maneesh Mishra
Pages: 341-345
687 Views 414 Downloads
Country: India
8 |
A holistic approach to individualized homoeopathic treatment of insomnia: A case report
Maneesh Mishra, Aswini Kumar Das, Neha Swarup, Mahesh Gupta and Awadhesh Kumar Yadav
Pages: 346-350
484 Views 250 Downloads
Country: India
9 |
Efficacy of homeopathy in acute inflammation conditions based on organon of medicine perspective
Dr. Dimple Sharma, Dr. Vivek Pandey, Dr. Amit Kumar and Dr. Khushboo Gupta
Pages: 351-353
364 Views 139 Downloads
Country: India
10 |
Homoeopathic management of female voiding dysfunction
Dr. Suma RS
Pages: 354-356
313 Views 121 Downloads
Country: India