International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part G (2024)

S. No. Title and Authors Name
Homoeopathic management of chronic urticaria: A case report
Dr. Ramya SJ, Dr. Veerabhadrappa C, Dr. Praveen Kumar PD and Dr. Mudassir Mulla
Pages: 451-457 | 409 Views  196 Downloads | Country: India
Subclinical hypothyroidism managed with homoeopathy: A case report
Dr. Ruqsar Farheen J and Dr. Anusuya M Akareddy
Pages: 458-464 | 439 Views  200 Downloads | Country: India
Individual acute disease of infectious origin: A comprehensive overview
Souvik Dutta and Subhasish Ganguly
Pages: 465-469 | 320 Views  145 Downloads | Country: India
The gentle touch: Homoeopathy’s answer to urticarial: A comprehensive case report
Dr. Yamini Soni, Dr. Hemangi Mahida, Dr. Urvashi Makwana, Dr. Kavita Bagdi, Dr. Rohan Parmar and Dhruvin Tanti
Pages: 470-475 | 394 Views  160 Downloads | Country: India
Rhus toxicodendron 200c's impact on lumbar spondylosis: A comprehensive case study
Vinita KS, Suman Sankar AS, Sowmya RSG and Nigel RS
Pages: 476-480 | 410 Views  222 Downloads | Country: India
Homeopathy and eczema: A case study on the efficacy of sulphur
Wasia Sulthana B, Suman Sankar AS, Sanju S and Selva Jaffin PJ
Pages: 481-484 | 704 Views  419 Downloads | Country: India
Physico-chemical characterization, energy dynamics and anti-cancer efficacy of Conium maculatum homeopathic formulations against prostate cancer cell lines
Neeladrisingha Das, Papu Kumar Naik, Chandrachur Ghosh, Anjali Raj, Debabrata Sircar, Tamal Banerjee and Partha Roy
Pages: 485-497 | 545 Views  276 Downloads | Country: India
Management of diabetic foot ulcer by homoeopathy: A case report
Deepika RS, Hemapriya R, Priyanka Sree GV, Winston Vargheese V, Dhanya SS
Pages: 498-501 | 489 Views  264 Downloads | Country: India
Homoeopathic management of venous ulcer: A case study
Hemapriya R, Priyanka Sree GV, Deepika RS, Winston Vargheese V and Sinthuja KS
Pages: 502-505 | 445 Views  206 Downloads | Country: India
A survey study on the mental health issues affecting adolescents on entering in homoeopathic medical education and its impacts
Priyanka Sree GV, Hemapriya R, Deepika RS, Winston Vargheese V and Gopika RS
Pages: 506-511 | 410 Views  207 Downloads | Country: India