International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Vol. 8, Issue 2, Part G (2024)

Rhus toxicodendron 200c's impact on lumbar spondylosis: A comprehensive case study


Vinita KS, Suman Sankar AS, Sowmya RSG and Nigel RS

People of all ages report Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) to doctors more frequently than any other condition. This is an extremely bothersome complaint that interferes with day-to-day living and reduces productivity. Lumbar spondylosis is one of the main causes of CLBP among all the factors. Middle to later age groups are frequently affected by lumbar spondylosis. This case study examines the effectiveness of homoeopathic treatment in treating lumbar spondylosis with an emphasis on a 35-year-old female patient experiencing lumbar pain that is aggravated by exertion and during ascending. The study focuses on the analysis of symptoms in a case of lumbar spondylosis, reportorial analysis, choosing a remedy, and prescribing Rhus toxicodendron based on the entirety of symptoms. The case was analysed using recognized scales, numeric pain rating scale, the study evaluated the patient's reaction based on clinical observations, pain levels, and functional improvements. The outcomes showed a significant decrease in pain and an increase in functionality, as evidenced by improvements in daily activities and mobility. The specific remedies administered and their impact on the patient's condition are detailed.

Pages: 476-480  |  413 Views  224 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Vinita KS, Suman Sankar AS, Sowmya RSG and Nigel RS. Rhus toxicodendron 200c's impact on lumbar spondylosis: A comprehensive case study. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2024;8(2):476-480. DOI: