International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.7

International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

2024, Vol. 8 Issue 1, Part G
COVID-19 infection or vaccination and development of symptoms of GB syndrome: A descriptive retrospective cohort study
Author(s): Dr. Fauzia Ansari, Dr. Farhan Khan Pathan, Dr. Sharfaa Momin, Dr. Shaheen Nasreen and Dr. Shreyas
Background: A pilot study on “COVID-19 vaccination and its impact on general health of population in the age group of 20-60 years” was conducted at Shaikh Homoeopathic Medical College, Belagavi, Karnataka. The study was conducted in the month of January 2021. Based on the results of a pilot study aimed at establishing rates of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in individuals with a history of COVID infection and vaccination, body function, activity, health-related quality of life and the Hughes GBS Disability Score. Present a retrospective analysis of every GBS affected patient in Belagavi. The link between GBS cases and exposure to COVID-19 infection and vaccination history is identified through a survey using a data template that includes information on COVID-19 infection, vaccination history and the Hughes GBS Disability Score.
Aims & Objectives
1. To describe how people with a history of COVID-19 and vaccination may be affected by Guillain-Barré syndrome, in terms of physical function, activity and health-related quality of life.
2. To establish rates of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) through GBS disability score among vaccine receivers.
Methodology: Pilot study & Descriptive Retrospective Cohort study.
Results: A pilot study conducted in January 2021 categorized the effects of COVID-19 vaccination into immediate, intermediate, and late effects. Immediate effects, occurring within 24 hours, included fever and severe myalgias in 230 out of 313 vaccinated individuals. Intermediate effects, between 24 hours and 15 days, involved the return of old symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, irregular menses, and joint pains in 210 individuals. Late effects, observed from 16 to 36 days post-vaccination, included marked weakness in both lower limbs and severe backache in 160 patients, affecting their daily activities. Additionally, seven cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) were diagnosed within a month of vaccination at the KLE Institute in Belagavi. Subsequent descriptive retrospective cohort analysis aimed to investigate the association between COVID-19 vaccination, infection, and GBS.

Pages: 442-449  |  124 Views  61 Downloads
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
How to cite this article:
Dr. Fauzia Ansari, Dr. Farhan Khan Pathan, Dr. Sharfaa Momin, Dr. Shaheen Nasreen, Dr. Shreyas. COVID-19 infection or vaccination and development of symptoms of GB syndrome: A descriptive retrospective cohort study. Int J Hom Sci 2024;8(1):442-449. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2024.v8.i1g.1101
International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
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