International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.7

International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

2024, Vol. 8 Issue 1, Part G
Autism spectrum disorder treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine-lac humanum: A case report
Author(s): Dr. Sanskriti Sharma
Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition impacting language, social skills, communication, and behaviour in infants and children. While the exact causes are unclear, factors such as premature birth, encephalitis, environmental toxins, etc. are believed to contribute to its prevalence surge. ASD necessitates tailored therapeutic and behavioural interventions. Studies suggest that homoeopathy may offer benefits in reducing autistic symptoms, showcasing its potential in ASD treatment. Here Lac Humanum 200 helped the child recover from autism.
Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of homoeopathic management in managing ASD.
Case Summary: A 2.5-year-old male child diagnosed with ASD at the age of 2 presented with symptoms such as loss of speech, self-harming behaviour, loss of eye contact, repetitive behaviour, and reduced social interaction. An assessment using the ISSA and CAR scoring was carried out, and Lac Humanum 200 was prescribed based on the child's symptom similarity, with one dose administered monthly. The child's symptoms gradually improved and in nine months patient was rendered free from ASD by CARS conducted by a psychiatrist as well.
Results: Autism Spectrum disease cannot just be managed but cured with homoeopathy. In this case, there was marked improvement in the ISSA and CAR scores and symptom severity of the child within a few weeks of starting the treatment.
Conclusion: Homoeopathy is flourishing worldwide and its efficacy in psychiatric disorders, here, ASD can be of prime importance in future. Various researchers have turned tables and shown amazing results in cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder with homoeopathic remedies.

Pages: 460-464  |  184 Views  86 Downloads
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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sanskriti Sharma. Autism spectrum disorder treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine-lac humanum: A case report. Int J Hom Sci 2024;8(1):460-464. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2024.v8.i1g.1104
International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
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