Author(s): Dr. Preethi James P, Dr. K Manikanda Perumal and Dr. Prasobh MP
Abstract: Keloid is a benign dermal fibro-proliferative tumor characterized by abnormal scar tissue growth arising at sites of cutaneous injury. Keloids are usually harmless but can be itchy, tender, or even painful. The case study here is a detailed analysis of a 22-year-old female presented with the complaint of nodular growth in the left ear-lobe since 6 months. Also presented with emotional distress exhibiting symptoms of sadness, anxiety and suppressed emotions. The diagnosis is made as keloid based on history, clinical presentation, clinical examination and history of trauma. After a detailed Case taking, Miasmatic evaluation and Repertorisation the Homoeopathic remedy Staphysagria was prescribed. A detailed follow-up revealed a gradual reduction in the size and consistency of the keloid over five months of treatment. This case emphasizes the potential of individualized Homoeopathic medicine in treating keloids effectively, offering a safe, cost-effective and minimal side effects.
Dr. Preethi James P, Dr. K Manikanda Perumal, Dr. Prasobh MP. Homoeopathic healing of keloid: A case report. Int J Hom Sci 2024;8(3):05-09. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2024.v8.i3a.1187