Author(s): Dr. Jayashree S and Dr. Gayatri Jambukumar
Homeopathy is a unique system based on natural remedies, which are specially formulated and often used in small doses to restore health. The founder of this program was Christian Fedrick Samuel Hahnemann who was born on 10th April 1755. Low toxic risks, low dosage and other medications, and ease of storage and distribution make homeopathy popular with practitioners and patients. It is an effective treatment for a wide range of serious and chronic conditions. In classical homeopathy, there are many homeopathic remedies for maternity support, which should be selected based on the various specific details of the woman seeking treatment. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 93 pregnant women tested the effectiveness of a combination solution containing Arnica, Caulophyllum, Actea racemosa, Pulsatilla, and Gelsemium, with a power of 5c, revealed that the average duration of birth reduced by approximately 3.5 Hours among women receiving treatment compared to the placebo group, In addition, only 11.3 percent of women given homeopathic remedies had a difficult task, compared to 40 percent of women in the placebo group. The benefits of this type of treatment include the fact that it is a safe and effective way to deal with many pregnancy-related problems.
Dr. Jayashree S, Dr. Gayatri Jambukumar. Magical homoeopathy-pregnancy and labour. Int J Hom Sci 2024;8(3):300-303. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2024.v8.i3e.1232