International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences
Vol. 9, Issue 1, Part E (2025)
Homoeopathic management of Hemorrhoids: A case report
Prajna and Vijayalakshmi M Angadi
Haemorrhoids are the engorged veins within the anal canal. It has received remarkably little attention, despite the fact that they cause significant personal distress and monetary expenses. Since many individuals with the condition would never seek medical attention, it is challenging to determine the occurrence. However, the cause of haemorrhoids although not defined clearly, constipation and a low-fibre diet have long been believed to raise the risk of haemorrhoids. Changes in lifestyle and diet or surgical intervention have been used to manage these instances, with an emphasis on addressing the underlying cause of the illness. In all of these situations, the homoeopathic method of treatment has consistently proven to be more effective. This article discusses a case of haemorrhoid that has exhibited encouraging outcomes after homoeopathic medication was administered.
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