International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences

Vol. 9, Issue 1, Part G (2025)

Utility of anxiety rubric from synthesis repertory in Modern Era


Vidyasagar V Shreshthi


Today’s world is full of worries concern with daily works, personals affairs and business. These worries lead to anxiousness or uneasiness felt by the individuals. These mental’s will present in form of expressions. As Kent and Dr. Hahnemann said, get the mental’s first. You will get similimum easily and a near one. Mind has three parts as said by Dr. Kent. Those are WILL, INTELLECT, & EMOTION. In these parts of mind the so called modern world has more of will and tones of intellects with lacking in emotions which are very much important part of mind. In this emotion, one must give importance to emotion. It is concern with is anxiety without no one is leaving. But each and every one will either tries to suppress or get used it and leaves within the shackles. Anxiety is reactivity of body to co-relate with the situation like getting ready for exam. Anxiety has to do with trying to keep the lid on what is stirred up inside us. Anxiety which is occurs due to sudden excitement. Everyone knows what stress is? you will feel a sense of anxiety before your 1st day. When boss is angry, your heart will race. Stress motives you to take action. It will prepare you for threatening situations you to study harder for exams & keep you awake when giving presentations.

Anxiety is part of today’s life which will be seen with the disease or which will be leads to the alimenting cause for the same. So in today’s area its importance must be considered in concern with homoeopathy. As homoeopathy is based on law of individualization. So much written about anxiety and anxiousness of an individual. When its characterized appearance gives us and near similimum which helps to get cure in any major minor disease.

We have many more remedies given below under the rubric anxiety as well as in material medica so I am going to explore rubric anxiety with the remedies under it. As well I will try to shows the significance in clinical practice with the utility in solving the cases.

A skillful artist wills nothing without good tools in his hands, so same things wail happens with the homoeopath. A homoeopath will effective unless and until his tool is reliable i.e. repertory.

So I was in search in of best repertory to help me out to study the rubric anxiety, in this context I came across a repertory known as Synthesis Repertory. Which is most updated, vast and authentic. This repertory content major no. of remedies till date. So I choose this repertory to work with it.

I feel I got succeed in studying this vast rubric anxiety in practice and conformation with case records. Let us study the rubric anxiety with its different shades and varieties of expressions with it will enrich our knowledge or repertory with practical application of anxiety as a rubric.

Pages: 455-459  |  47 Views  21 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Vidyasagar V Shreshthi. Utility of anxiety rubric from synthesis repertory in Modern Era. Int. J. Hom. Sci. 2025;9(1):455-459. DOI: