Author(s): Dr. Gausia Sayed, Dr. Sumit Goel, Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Saniya Arif Memon, Furqan Ismail Qureshi and Saadia Syed
Abstract: The skin is a reflector of the internal dynamis or derangement of the human being. Psoriasis being a deep seated multifactorial condition requires an approach that reaches that depth to successfully cure it. Homoeopathy is a science that believes in Individualisation, which takes into consideration all the derangements at the level of mind, body and soul where it allows the body to be cured internally.
Dr. Gausia Sayed, Dr. Sumit Goel, Dr. Rakesh Gupta, Saniya Arif Memon, Furqan Ismail Qureshi, Saadia Syed. Homoeopathic management of a case of psoriasis. Int J Hom Sci 2021;5(2):105-109. DOI: 10.33545/26164485.2021.v5.i2b.370